FVWM: Boarder Colors

From: Todd Crenshaw <todd_at_crenshaw.reno.nv.us>
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 16:55:01 -0700

Thanks to the help of Guenther Grau I was able to get FVWM 2.0.42
to install on our Data General AViiON systems. It's working fine
but the differances between 1.x and 2.0.42 are enough to cause me
some problems.

How the heck to I get the frame or border color to change to what
I want instead of the purple it is now? I've looked in my .fvwmrc
and can't find anything there to change it. I also have the FVWM
faq and am unable to find what I need there. Remember, this is
2.0.42 and the 1.x command doesn't work.

Todd Crenshaw, Computer Systems Management Analyst, UNIX/GIS Tech.
State of Nevada / Department of Conservation and Natural Resources
Division of Environmental Protection / Capitol Complex
333 W. Nye Lane, Carson City, Nevada 89710 (702)687-4670 x3057
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Received on Wed Sep 11 1996 - 19:04:10 BST

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