RE: FVWM: FVWM 2.0.43 on Digital Unix still eats CPU time after

From: Charles Hines <chuck_hines_at_VNET.IBM.COM>
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 1996 10:54:40 -0400

>>>>> "GM" == Grant McDorman <> writes:

GM> I hadn't followed up on my earlier postings on this since I was
GM> doing some testing (and have also been busy on the things I'm
GM> paid for <grin>). It turns out that the problem with FvwmButtons
GM> looping is more likely the fact that it was doing Xlib calls in
GM> the signal handler, which is supposed to be illegal.

Yeah, that's definitely bad, but I hadn't noticed it before...

GM> I've changed it to just set a flag, which would force exit from
GM> the main loop and then do the cleaup, but it doesn't seem to work
GM> properly yet (swallowed programs get left running on a restart).

Sounds like the right idea though. I'll have to browse through that

GM> Based on this, I suspect your problem may not be the signal handler.
GM> What I suggest you do is break into the looping process(es) with your
GM> debugger, get the call stack, and post it to the list. We can proceed
GM> from there.

Good idea, although where it's actually looping may not have anything
to do with how it got there.

GM> I'll post the change to FvwmButtons when I'm sure it works okay.


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