FVWM: my silence of late

From: Charles Hines <chuck_hines_at_VNET.IBM.COM>
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 1996 09:12:42 -0400

Howdy all,

Just wanted to let you all know that I'm still alive, and that 2.1 is
nearing completion, although it's going extremely slowly right now due
to my already taxed 'free time' becoming almost nil over the past
month or two.

That's also why I haven't really said much on the lists lately, so I
apologize if I have failed to answer any questions or participate in
various discussions lately. I will try to get to them, belatedly.

I'm going to try and make some more time for fvwm over the next couple
of weeks to try and get 2.1 out there finially. Not every bug will be
fixed, of course, since that's an impossible task...


Charles K. Hines <chuck_hines_at_vnet.ibm.com>
IBM Logic Synthesis Developer [BooleDozer (TM)]
Martial Arts Instructor [Modern Arnis, Presas Style Filipino Martial Arts]
         "Go back to sleep, Chuck.  You're just havin' a nightmare
             -- of course, we ARE still in Hell." (Gary Larson)
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Received on Tue Sep 10 1996 - 08:22:48 BST

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