FVWM: FvwmButtons (more info)

From: Christopher Greenup <chris_at_apex.net>
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 1996 23:41:57 +0000

Albrecht Kadlec wrote:
> >>>>> Christopher Greenup writes:
> C> I. FvwmButtons will not load on Startup or Restart.
> C> II. It will not load when called from a popup menu.
> C> III. It will not load when called from FvwmTalk.
> what does the error log of fvwm say?
> how do you invoke FvwmButtons?
> try a minimal config.
> albrecht

I'm not positive what you mean when you say "error log," but I have used
the -debug option of fvwm2 and nothing of any signigcance seems to be
reported (if that is what that option is for, for that matter). I can
make fvwm respond with a few "Can not load FvwmButtons" errors for
whatever reason, but when I correct the problem, it returns to silence
and with no improvement. I have abandoned using config options in the
.fvwm2rc file altogether and am now using only the *FvwmButtonsFile
command to specify the file from which I get to do my groping.

The first time I try to invoke FvwmButtons is at startup with this
AddToFunc "InitFunction" "I" Module FvwmButtons

then at restart with:

AddToFunc "RestartFunction" "I" Module FvwmButtons

next from a popup:

AddToMenu FvwmModules "Button-Bar" Module FvwmButtons

I can tell that it tries to load each time because when I purposely
misconfigure something, it gives me the error message. The ModulePath
is set correctly (no symlinks, even). The config file I am using is as
minimalist as I know to make it: no configuration options and only one
measly button. Although, I have tried it with several options including
size, color, buttons, location, etc. Nothing I change, other than
making it obviously 'wrong' seems to produce any kind of effect other
than making the error messages go away. I should note that when i do a
'ps' I can see the everything that is currently running in X, including
other modules, but not FvwmButtons. It simply isn't starting.

Anyone have any more ideas before I have to go back to fvwm1.xx?

        ][ Christopher Greenup ]|[ Apex Internet Services ][
        ][ chris_at_apex.net ]|[ http://www.apex.net ][
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Received on Wed Aug 28 1996 - 23:51:40 BST

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