FVWM: FvwmButtons

From: Christopher Greenup <chris_at_apex.net>
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 1996 01:41:21 +0000

Hello, all.

I have Fvwm 2.0.43 and am having some trouble with the FvwmButtons
module; namely, that I can't get it to work. I have tried everything
that I know to try, including:

          I. upgrading from 2.0.42, where the trouble first arose.
         II. copying FvwmButtons from a system that works just fine.
        III. copying a .fvwm2rc from that same system.
         IV. making use of the FvwmButtonsFile command and confining all my
configuration info to that file.
          V. countless configurations and geometry (both size and location)
Here are the symptoms:
          I. FvwmButtons will not load on Startup or Restart.
         II. It will not load when called from a popup menu.
        III. It will not load when called from FvwmTalk.

Curiously enough, when I try to invoke it from the command line, I get
the normal "Must be started by Fvwm" message. Furthermore, when I
specify: `Style "FvwmButtons" WindowListHit` I can see that it is at no
time actually running, as opposed to running somewhere but being
obscured due to some config stuff (at least I think).

In case it is XF86Config specific, I am running 640x480 mode and
virtual, XF86_SVGA server. And, in case of hardware specifics, it is a
laptop monitor, if that helps. System specifics: RedHat 3.0.4.

That's all I know to tell, other than that the Fvwm1.xx GoodStuff worked
fine. If there is something I have left out, be it more information, or
something simple I can try, I would be happy to offer more info or take
suggestions (please).

Thanks in advance.

        ][   Christopher Greenup   ]|[  Apex Internet Services ][
        ][     chris_at_apex.net      ]|[   http://www.apex.net   ][
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Received on Wed Aug 28 1996 - 01:51:35 BST

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