Re: FVWM: Icons

From: Charles Hines <chuck_hines_at_VNET.IBM.COM>
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 1996 13:59:44 -0400

>>>>> "BenC" == Benoit Champagne <> writes:

BenC> ===>Ian MacKinnon writes:
Ian> Eric J. Betzler writes:
>>> On Fri, 23 Aug 1996, Ian MacKinnon wrote:
>>> > in my .fvwmrc file, but for those apps I don't supply an icon for like
>>> > > Style "TkMan" Icon TkMan.xpm > > I get no icon, just a small box

TkMan.xpm must be in your PixmapPath for the Icon command to find it.
Is it?

Ian> Yeh, in other wm's eg twm the app supplies its own icon. ie I dont
Ian> want to create a list of ever app I have, just some whose icon I want
Ian> to change. Ian

BenC> I agree! I am tented to consider this as a fvwm's bug. Many
BenC> apps provide their own icon, but when iconified using fvwm they
BenC> never show.

I have several apps running right now that provide their own icons
(Netscape, for example).

BenC> What I have in my fvwmrc file is the following

BenC> Style "*" Icon unknown.xpm

This is why you don't see any builtin icons. But judging from your
next comment, you knew that...

BenC> At least every iconified apps get an icon. But is surely not
BenC> the one apps' default one. It is, like Ian said, a pain to have
BenC> to define an Icon for every apps I'll ever run.

Ah - the real problem. Perhaps it wouldn't be a bad idea for me to
add some way to say "use this as the default icon unless the program
wants to provide one itself". I'll have to investigate this.

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Received on Fri Aug 23 1996 - 13:12:01 BST

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