Re: FVWM: New module suggestion

From: Charles Hines <chuck_hines_at_VNET.IBM.COM>
Date: Mon, 19 Aug 1996 11:47:27 -0400

>>>>> "Brady" == Brady Montz <> writes:
>>>>> "Jason" == Jason L Tibbitts <> writes:
>>>>> "Dan" == Dan Astoorian <> writes:
>>>>> "BAW" == Barry A Warsaw <> writes:

Brady> I've been toying with this idea for a new module for some time,
Brady> and was wondering about other people's thoughts on it.

Brady> Here's the background. I have two buttons on my titlebars, one
Brady> of which maximizes the window horizontally, and the other
Brady> vertically. It's annoying that if I resize first horizonally,
Brady> and then vertically, I don't get what you would naively expect,
Brady> but it's understandable, since fvwm doesn't maintain a stack of
Brady> state information for windows.

Resize and Maximize are particularily bad at remembering old states,

Brady> I once sat down and thought about other cases where one might
Brady> want state associated with a window, but have since forgotten
Brady> what I came up with. Two things that come to my mind are stack
Brady> order manipulation, and window groups.

Both potentially quite useful.

Brady> The proposed module would keep all sorts of user definable
Brady> state about windows, and upon receiving commands (SendToModule
Brady> - yippie!) could do various things.

Jason> Hmmm. You could achieve some of that functionality by letting functions
Jason> keep state somehow. You'd need to allow variables and probably decision
Jason> constructs to make use of them.

I had thought about adding this kind of stuff at some point, which I
believe is in the TO-DO list still.

Jason> Nah, too complicated.

Which is why it's still on the TO-DO list...

Jason> If you want a real language, why not use a real language?
Jason> Would Barry's FvwmPython module work for this kind of thing?

BAW> Funny, I was thinking the same thing! :-)

BAW> <>

Or Perl:

Dan> I wrote some code for doing modules in Perl which Chuck Hines
Dan> says he'll include in the extras/ directory of the next release.

And it is.

Barry - would you like me to include your FvwmPython stuff in the
extras directory as well?

Brady> Does anyone else thing that this might turn into something
Brady> useful?

I think the idea is good no matter how it's implemented. I imagine
that using the Python or Perl interfaces would be simplest though.


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