FVWM: Re: New module suggestion

From: Jason L Tibbitts III <tibbs_at_hpc.uh.edu>
Date: 16 Aug 1996 17:24:16 -0500

>>>>> "BM" == Brady Montz <bradym_at_cs.arizona.edu> writes:

BM> The proposed module would keep all sorts of user definable state about
BM> windows, and upon receiving commands (SendToModule - yippie!) could do
BM> various things.

Hmmm. You could achieve some of that functionality by letting functions
keep state somehow. You'd need to allow variables and probably decision
constructs to make use of them.

Nah, too complicated. If you want a real language, why not use a real
language? Would Barry's FvwmPython module work for this kind of thing?
      Jason L. Tibbitts III - tibbs_at_uh.edu - 713/743-8684 - 221SR1
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