FVWM: Re: Some fvwm config questions

From: Paul D. Smith <pausmith_at_nortelnetworks.com>
Date: 08 Dec 2000 12:44:26 -0500

%% An Thi-Nguyen Le <anle_at_ews.uiuc.edu> writes:

  atl> This should probably go on the fvwm user list, not fvwm-workers. :)

Well, I put it here because it was using the beta release. Perhaps
you're right, though.

  atl> Not much experience with GNOME weirdness here. I think there's
  atl> something in the fvwm FAQ about this; not sure.


  atl> There is, in the FvwmButtons manpage, a treatise on the layout
  atl> algorithm.

Yes; I didn't follow it within the context of my setup. I'll try

>> (3x3, Container (Columns 3, Rows 3, Frame 2))

  atl> This is the root of the problem. Don't use '3x3'; 1x1 would be
  atl> better here. You also told FvwmButtons there would only be one
  atl> row of buttons.

I've tried all sorts of different things, including nothing at all.
Most resulted in tiny unreadable buttons scrunched up to the right.

Changing the above to 1x1 seemed to work OK (why do I have to specify
1x1? If I don't put anything there it doesn't work right; shouldn't the
default be 1x1? Oh well), except that the icons in the first button are
too wide.

The reason I was attempting to use things like 3x2, etc. is to break the
grid down into smaller bits, where I can say the first container
takes up two grid spaces and the second takes up 3 grid spaces, to get a
more precise layout (equivalent to the first container taking up 1 space
and the second taking up 1.5 spaces). I've done this kind of thing in
the past with FvwmButtons, and it worked, but I can't seem to get this
one working.

Hmm... now when I just tried this it worked! I think it was giving a
value greater than 1 for the y coordinate that was screwing everything
up; as long as I left that at 1 it works.

I used 2x1 for the first container, 3x1 for the second, and 9x1 for the
swallowed xmcd (I tried 8x1 but it was a _mite_ too small).

Weird. Oh well, thanks.

 Paul D. Smith <psmith_at_baynetworks.com>    HASMAT--HA Software Methods & Tools
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Received on Fri Dec 08 2000 - 11:45:11 GMT

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