FVWM: Focus and Warp with FvwmIconMan in fvwm2.0.43

From: <rgo_at_drmail.dr.lucent.com>
Date: Wed, 14 Aug 1996 22:27:08 -0600

I recently upgraded to fvwm2.0.43 from fvwm2.0.42,
and I'm having trouble getting the same behavior with
the FvwmIconMan module as I had before.

I want to have mouse button 1, when clicked on
an entry in the FvwmIconMan table, deiconify the window
if necessary, switch focus to
the selected window, and warp the cursor to that window.

In fvwm2.0.42, with a patch to the focus code,
I could do this via the following line in my .fvwm2rc file:

        *FvwmIconMan*action click1 Iconify -1, Focus 1

Is there a way to get this same behavior in fvwm2.0.43?

Is a patch needed?


	Ron Olsen
	Boulder Colorado
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