FVWM: No icons

From: Barry D Benowitz <bbenowit_at_telesciences.com>
Date: Wed, 14 Aug 96 13:40 EDT

>>>>> "Miles" == MReyes <MReyes_at_bangate.compaq.com> writes:

    Miles> I seem to have a few problems with FVWM2.0
    Miles> First of all, I can't see any Icons at all. I've got the
    Miles> libXpm, so I can't figure out why they aren't showing.

Make sure that your pixmappath matches where you are storing you
xpms. If you want to overrride the xpm, I find its helpful to use the
complete path.

    Miles> Also, on FVWMButtons, I assign a program to a button
    Miles> (Using EXEC) and click
    Miles> the button but nothing happens. I manually execute the
    Miles> program on an xterm and it executes fine.

Does it work if you use a module? How about if you exec an xterm? It
might have something to do with environment.

Hope this helps

Barry D. Benowitz - FAQ maintainer for alt.lefthanders
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Received on Wed Aug 14 1996 - 12:50:32 BST

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