Re: FVWM: X protocol problems

From: Scott Lampert <>
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 1996 17:18:31 -0400 (EDT)

>I thought that this would be in the mailing list archive. Does this not happen
>when you have something like the pager swallowed in the button bar?
>I was hoping that this would be fixed in version 2.0.43. Is it not?
>I have another problem that I think might be related to this. I use
>xscreensaver as my locking program. After unlocking my workstation first thing
>in the morning, my FvwmButtons module is always dead and I have to restart it.
>Does anyone else have this problem.

        I get the x-protocol errors with or without the pager swallowed. It
happens a whole lot when I'm using Netscape, or opening and closing a lot of

        As far as the FvwmButtons module locking up, I haven't encountered
that particular problem. In fact, the only problem I've had at all is the
aforemention x-protocol problem. Originally I attributed it to something in
my setup, but since TWM, CTWM, and OLVWM do not exhibit this behavior I have to
assume its FVWM..


Scott Lampert
"Sing the Hare Hare, Dance the Hoochie Koo"
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