Re: FVWM: several questions: png,, winbar

From: <>
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2000 08:14:06 -0500 (EST)

On 7 Dec, Henrion Benjamin wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm using fvwm for a long time and my questions are in my head for a
> long time:
> 1. Is it possible to include in further versions of FVWM the support for
> png (so that I can use png icons)?
> 2. Why there isn't an offcial site for fvwm theming (on or
> 3. I would like to use fvwm2.4 to imitate fvwm95. Have you got tips?

I have a set of pixmaps and decors that emulates Win9x pretty nicely
(as well as some that emulate the Mac OSX "Aqua" look). However, the
current 2.3.x release is having problems with the latter one, so I am
hesitant to give out anything right now.

Fvwm hasn't released a 2.4 version yet, although it should be coming
Real Soon Now.

Larry Gensch                                
              Working for COMPAQ since the turn of the century
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