Re: FVWM: compilation problems

From: Kai Grossjohann <>
Date: 29 Jul 1996 14:25:13 +0200

>>>>> James A Basilio writes:

  JAB> can anyone give me a tip as to how to fix this error message?
  JAB> ld: Undefined symbol
  JAB> _strerror

You get 2.0.43 where this is fixed (I think) or you just fix it
yourself: strerror(x) can be substituted with sys_errlist[x] on
SunOS. Just:

    #ifdef <Variable_that_sez_SunOS_goes_here>
    #define strerror(x) sys_errlist[x]

somewhere. There is a compiler option that tells you what
preprocessor symbols are defined on your system.

I hope this is not too vague,
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