Re: FVWM: (long) startup timing bug patch to test

From: Manoj Kasichainula <>
Date: Thu, 25 Jul 1996 16:38:43 -0400 (EDT)

On Thu, 25 Jul 1996, Manoj Kasichainula wrote:

> I do have an addition to report. I've noticed that other WM functions
> don't seem to work inside the Style-less window. For examle, I have
> Meta-F1 bound to restart the WM everywhere, including inside windows.
> However, when I was focused in and my mouse was in the Styleless window,
> Meta-F1 wasn't caught by fvwm, but passed to the window (an rxvt). In an
> rxvt with all it's Style attributes, however, the restart with Meta-F1
> succeeds.

Acck. Just reread the message. The addition is to myu previous bug
reports. I don't think this new behavior started with the posted patch.

Manoj Kasichainula - | "Violence is the first refuge | of the violent."
Finger for PGP public key & Geek Code | - Aaron Allston

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