Re: FVWM: clock app comes up multiple times (once per restart)

From: <>
Date: Wed, 24 Jul 96 09:57:56 -0700

> I haven't been able to figure out how to get my clock to start up
> automatically since switching to fvwm (it's been a long time).

It's not that hard, here is a clip from my .fvwmrc:

This is my initialization routine

# Stuff to do at start-up

AddToFunc "InitFunction" "I" Exec xsetroot -solid "#266294"
+ "I" Exec /home/lmyers/bin/plan -iconic
+ "I" Module FvwmAuto 750
+ "I" Exec xterm
+ "I" Exec xterm -vb -T "Console" -C
+ "I" Module FvwmButtons
+ "I" Module FvwmPager 0 6
+ "I" Exec xpostit+ -tmpdir /home/lmyers -iconic
+ "I" Exec xrefresh
+ "I" Exec tkpostage -geometry +423-0 <-- I start this, but it doesn't get restarted.

AddToFunc "RestartFunction" "I" Exec xsetroot -solid "#266294"

+ "I" Module FvwmButtons <------ This is what gets restarted.
+ "I" Module FvwmPager 0 6
+ "I" Module FvwmAuto 750
+ "I" Exec xrefresh

And this is how I restart FVWM:

# This menu is invoked as a sub-menu - it allows you to quit,
# restart, or switch to another WM.
AddToMenu "Quit-Verify" "Really Quit Fvwm?" Title
+ "Yes, Really Quit" Quit
+ "Restart fvwm2" Restart fvwm2 <-------------------- Here it is
+ "Start twm" Restart twm
+ "Start tvtwm" Restart tvtwm
+ "Start mwm" Restart mwm
+ "" Nop
+ "No, Don't Quit" Nop

Hope this helps

Lee Myers

 A computer's attention span is as long as its power cord.
"These opinions are mine, however, they may be licensed for a nominal fee."

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