FVWM: Running fvwm2.0.43

From: Eric Lee <uelee_at_king.mcs.drexel.edu>
Date: Wed, 24 Jul 1996 00:45:44 -0400


        This is Eric from Drexel university who just started to be
having fun wiht linux. I have installed your fvwm 2.0.43
(successfully complied) but don't know what to do next. I do have .
fvwmrc and .fvwm2rc both(in case ) and still my twm is coming up
instead of fvwm. here is my .Xclients file and hope you can tell me
what to do next to run fvwm thanx

my .Xclients contains following..


xterm &
if [ ! -z $(type -path oclock) ]; then

        oclock -geometry +0+0 &

        xclock -gemetry +0+0 &


if [ ! -z $(type -path fvwm) ]; then

        exec fvwm


        exec twm


and I am using MkLinux on My Power Mac 7100/66... other linux
sources've been complied and running good. but I just don't know
what to do next with fvwm.. please give me a advise..


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Received on Tue Jul 23 1996 - 23:39:31 BST

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