FVWM: default config !

From: Oli Thor Atlason <olit_at_centrum.is>
Date: Sun, 14 Jul 1996 05:07:25 +0000

Ok.. you can hit me with something hard and heavy now :-/

Downloaded and compiled fvwm about an hour ago. Fired it up, and..
the mouse didn't work :-( .. so, I spent about an hour looking through
mailinglist archives, recompiling, scanning through man pages until
finally figuring out that all I had to do was
mv ~/.fvwmrc ~/.fvwm2rc # ...

Not being able to move windows around & stuff when fvwm can't find it's
.rc strikes me as unexpected behavior.

Anyway, now that I can finally use fvwm, it's great ! Thanks to all you
guys who've put your efforts into it !


| Oli Thor Atlason                | +354-567-6866 _at_ home|
| olit_at_centrum.is                 | +354-567-6890 * fax |
| http://www.centrum.is/stm/olit/ | +345-562-4111 _at_ work|
| System Administrator _at_ Centrum Communications Inc.    |
| There are two types of people: those who divide       |
| people into two types, and those who don't.           |
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Received on Sun Jul 14 1996 - 00:10:08 BST

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