Re: FVWM: 2.0.43: success report

From: Joey Hess <>
Date: Wed, 10 Jul 1996 15:15:53 -0400 (EDT)

> The only problem I found with your RPM was that the audio doesn't work
> correctly along with fvwmconsole. On 42 there was a patch to fix this
> audio problem.

I don't use fvwmaudio, and I only did minimal testing on the rpm before I
put it out. I've been off the fvwm mailing list for a while, and I think I
missed that patch. Could someone send it to me?

#!/usr/bin/perl -i\$q='$q',\$p='$p';eval\$q.\$\^I#\n"#
$q='print"$p$^I\n',$p='#!/usr/bin/perl -i';eval$q.$^I#        Joey Hess
                      "He. He. He." - - Herman Toothrot
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Received on Wed Jul 10 1996 - 14:23:00 BST

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