Re: FVWM: 2.0.43: success report

From: Joey Hess <>
Date: Wed, 10 Jul 1996 13:43:35 -0400 (EDT)

> I compiled 43 on Linux. Clean out of the box (only FvwmConsole
> does not work). And the Good News are that it seems that the nasty
> race condition bugs (menu disappearing and cursor stick to the "bullet"
> state) are gone. Well, I have not tested it under stress, but fdesign
> from xform (that triggered the bug almost everytime) now works like
> a charm.

Let me chime in here.. I compiled it under linux, and made some RPMs of it
which I've uploaded to No problems at all, except

I hope that bug that made the cursor stay a bullet is gone for good!

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$_=reverse lc$_;s_at_"@''_at_g;y/[]{A-R}<>()a-y1-9,!.?`'/][}        Joey Hess
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