FVWM: placing windows onto a particular page

From: David Simpson <davesimp_at_cs.berkeley.edu>
Date: Sun, 07 Jul 1996 20:02:33 -0700

Sorry if this is a faq, but I couldn't seem to find the answer in the
mailing list archives. Is there a way to place a window onto a particular
page within a desktop?

Right now I'm doing this by specifying a geometry option that is relative
to the upper-left corner of the virtual desktop. However, this only works
well on workstations with the same resolution... move to a new workstation
and the windows are placed out of whack.

So if this feature isn't currently in fvwm2, I think it should be added
to the Style list.

Also, it would be nice to be able to specify the general geometry of
windows in the Style list. Admittedly, the only program (that I use) that
lacks the -geometry option is "xosview" under Linux, and that may have changed
in the recent versions. However, it is annoying to have to place a little
"xload" type window by hand at startup.

So it would be nice to be able to specify what Desktop (already done), what
page, and what geometry a window class has when fvwm starts it. You could,
of course, mix and match. Have things start on certain desktops (but the
current page) or on certain pages (but the current desktop).

Many apologies if I overlooked something really obvious that is already in


	         David Simpson, davesimp_at_cs.berkeley.edu
	    Graduate Student - Computer Science - UC Berkeley
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Received on Sun Jul 07 1996 - 22:02:46 BST

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