FVWM: bug in SendName()?

From: Dan Astoorian <djast_at_utopia.csas.com>
Date: Sun, 7 Jul 1996 03:46:54 -0400 (EDT)

Using 2.0.42...

The modules.tex file claims that packets containing variable-length
zero-padded to fill out the last long word.

This does not appear to be the case; I am finding stray characters
attached to the end of these packets, as well as in M_ERROR and
M_CONFIG_INFO packets (which also contain variable-length names).

The fault would appear to be in SendName() in modules.c, which obtains
the memory via safemalloc() and merely does a strcpy() into it; this
fails to zero out the 'padding' bytes.

Should be trivial to fix...

(BTW, M_ICON_FILE and M_DEFAULTICON are currently undocumented in


-- People shouldn't think that it's better to have
Dan Astoorian loved and lost than never loved at all. It's
http://www.utopia.csas.com not, it's better to have loved and won. All
djast_at_utopia.csas.com the other options really suck. --Dan Redican
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Received on Sun Jul 07 1996 - 03:02:43 BST

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