FVWM: fvwm-2.0.42 bugs, fixes, suggested enhancements

From: Raphael Finkel <raphael_at_cs.uky.edu>
Date: Fri, 5 Jul 1996 09:49:00 -0400 (EDT)

I just installed fvwm-2.0.42, having used only fvwm-1.42r before. Here are
some suggestions.

1. the Focus builtin leaves the cursor 2,2 pixels from the upper left
corner. This is terribly annoying if you use FocusFollowsCursor and
you move the mouse a bit to the left after deiconifying, which is a
natural reaction if your icon is to the right of where the window pops
up. (I use a window list to the far right, for example.) I have
modified the code in my copy of fvwm/builtins.c to center the cursor in
the deiconified window:

    line 197-8 replace with
        x = t->frame_x + t->frame_width/2;
        y = t->frame_y + t->frame_height/2;
    line 201 replace with
        XWarpPointer(dpy, None, Scr.Root, 0, 0, 0, 0, x, y);
    lines 211-2 replace with
        XWarpPointer(dpy, None, Scr.Root, 0, 0, 0, 0, t->frame_width/2,

2. I would appreciate some new options in FvwmWinList.

    (a) FvwmWinListSort, which sorts the windows alphabetically,

    (b) FvwmWinListLocal, which causes FvwmWinList to list only
    those windows on the current screen (perhaps a variant that
    only lists those windows on the current desk. But I only use
    one desk with four screens.)

3. There is an apparent bug in FvwmPager. My DeskTopSize is 1x4. If
I set FvwmPagerDeskTopScale to 18 and specify no geometry, the Pager
window is proportional to my screen, and then subdivided vertically
into 4 narrow strips. Instead, each strip ought to be proportional to
the screen. I work around this by using an explicit geometry. This
bug is new in Fvwm2.

4. There is a minor bug with icons. I don't want them, because I use
the WinList to catalog all my windows. So I set Style "*" NoIcon.
Nonetheless, if I invoke Focus from the WinList on a button
corresponding to an iconfied window, the icon appears (not the
deiconified window). I would prefer for nothing at all to happen; you
can't focus on an icon that doesn't exist.

I have not subscribed to this mailing list. I toss these suggestions
in the pot in the hopes that the designers/implementers/maintainers of
this fine product will be able to use them.

Raphael Finkel
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Received on Fri Jul 05 1996 - 09:00:06 BST

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