Re: FVWM: Bindings to keycodes.

From: Albrecht Kadlec <>
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 96 11:35:41 +0200

>>>>> Roy Dragseth writes:

R> Hi.
R> Is it possible to bind function to a keycode? This may sound strange,
R> but my Xserver (HP Xterminal) seems to have a hardcoded upper limit on
R> keycodes that it is possible to bind to a keysym. I've got my hands on
R> a MS Natural Keyboard and want to use the extra buttons (Windows, and
R> Print buttons) on it. When try to use xmodmap to bind the windows
R> button to something I get:

> xmodmap -e "keycode 148 = backslash"
R> xmodmap: commandline:0: bad keycode value (out of range)
R> xmodmap: 1 errors encountered, aborting.

R> Just curious if it is possible to do it, would love to bind some menus
R> to it.
yes it is.

I think you can only use predefined keysyms, so search for an unused one
(sorry I don't knoe the file to look for, since I only remember having
heard this on this list around December/Januar/February)
have a look in the archive (pointer is on Fvwm Homepage)

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What did you dream? It's alright we told you what to dream.
You dreamed of a big star, he played a mean guitar,
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