Re: FVWM: Dynamic Xterm title fix

From: Markus Gutschke <gutschk_at_ESCHER.UNI-MUENSTER.DE>
Date: Wed, 19 Jun 1996 10:48:30 +0200

> It has the following neat features:
> 1. Scrollbars (OpenLook style)
> 2. Read-only - that is, you can't use it to type shell commands
> 3. Employs a sophisticated filtering mechanism, so that
> one can discard all non-interesting or trivial console messages.
> 4. When iconified, The icon flashes (!!) when a console message arrives

You can even configure it, to pop up once new messages arrive. This is
very useful if Fvwm is configured to show no icon for Contool. Thus,
Contool is totaly invisible as long as no message have shown up yet. I
have these lines in my .fvwmrc:

  Style "Contool" Sticky,WindowListSkip,ClickToFocus,NoIcon,StartIconic
  AddToFunc "InitFunction" "I" Exec contool -geometry 525x180-0-0 &

> 5. Adds date & time to every console message. As some of you have
> probably noticed, some system console messages arrive out of the
> blue, w/o date & time, so if you're away for a while, you don't
> know when a problem has occured.

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