FVWM: Re: FvwmButtons problem...

From: Jason L Tibbitts III <tibbs_at_hpc.uh.edu>
Date: 19 Jun 1996 00:53:25 -0500

>>>>> "JL" == Jason Lingohr <jason_at_cyber.com.au> writes:

JL> I just finished compiling and installing Fvwm:

JL> Fvwm Version 2.0.39 compiled on Jun 14 1996 at 10:33:44

Sorry to disappoint you, but you should go to the source
(ftp.hpc.uh.edu:/pub/fvwm/version-2) and get 2.0.42. I can't say that it
will fix your problem, but FVWMButtons was completely rewritten since
2.0.39 and it really helps everyone if we're all at the same code base when
tracking down bugs.

 - J<
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Received on Wed Jun 19 1996 - 01:07:31 BST

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