Re: FVWM: fvwm crashing

From: Lionel Cons <>
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 1996 15:52:35 +0200

Charles Hines writes:
> Could you be a little more specific as to what the problem is?

On Digital/UNIX, the crashes are random and there is no obvious

On Solaris 2, two different users reported crashes in different
situations. The first one was connected to the use of the tool
tkpostage (with some home-made modifications): when tkpostage queried
the mail server frequently (1/min), fvwm crashed randomly after some
time. Without tkpostage, nor more crashes... The user will use again
tkpostage to get a core dump, it may give a clue...

The other one is connected to the use of Netscape and FrameMaker,
here are some mails extracts:
> one of our stations is giving lots of problems when running Fvwm
> with Netscape (2.02) and FrameMaker (5).
> The first panic appears when Netscape and FrameMaker run in different
> desks. At the moment to change desk, fvwm core dumps and the window
> system dies.

Hope this helps...

Lionel Cons

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