Re: FVWM: Questions about multiple-display support

From: <>
Date: Sat, 25 Nov 2000 23:33:21 -0800 (PST)

Great! I'm only having two problems now here.. I'm using Debian's fvwm2rc
system with the user hooks in it. I have all my module resource setting
and Style settings done in my ~/.fvwm/post.hook
My post.hook is Read'ing post.hook.$[screen], which have per-display
customisations for FvwmIconMan and FvwmPager.

I am loading FvwmIconMan from my init-restart.hook, as the local
documentation indicates I should. FvwmPager is loading from the system
fvwm2rc file.

Problem: My FvwmPagerGeometry setting is halfway-honoured: The size part
is honoured but the placement part isn't, for either screen.

Problem: (old problem even with fvwm 2.2) I gain two instances of
FvwmIconMan per screen, superimposed on each other. My gut feeling is that
there will be 'n' of these, where n is the number of screens attached to
the session.

I've checked, and discovered that even loading FvwmIconMan from
init-restart.hook.0 and not from .1 loads two instances on screen 0. It
appears that FvwmIconMan is too smart for its own good?

On Sun, 26 Nov 2000, Dominik Vogt wrote:

> On Sat, Nov 25, 2000 at 05:45:53PM -0800, wrote:
> >
> > I'm running fvwm on xfree86 4.0.1 with two screens. I would like to be
> > able to have seperate per-screen configurations.
> > I started with fvwm 2.2 from Debian, and I'm currently using fvwm 2.3 from
> > CVS, and there appears to be no capability to define seperate
> > configurations. Can this feature be added in time for 2.4?
> This is not hard to accomplish with 2.3.x. Put all the common
> lines in your central configuration file (.fvwm2rc) and add this
> line at the end:
> Read .fvwm2rc.$[screen]
> Then create a file .fvwm2rc.0 for your first screen .1 for the
> second screen and so on. The only thing you have to make sure is
> that the files have to be found in the config dir, which usually
> is $HOME/.fvwm if you did not modify anything (I believe - at
> least it works for me).
> Bye
> Dominik ^_^ ^_^
> --
> Dominik Vogt,
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Received on Sun Nov 26 2000 - 01:33:12 GMT

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