Re: FVWM: FVWM-2 WindowList

From: James Elson <>
Date: Fri, 07 Jun 1996 11:34:43 +0100

Scary Guy wrote:
> would be sequenced in the order in which they were last accessed. This
> was very convenient because I had bound some keys to bring up the
> WindowList and then I could use keystrokes (j or k) to easily go up or
> down to switch between menus. So, if I was working between two windows
> and wanted to toggle between them, all I had to do is bring up the
> WindowList (i.e. Alt+F1), and then press j-j to switch to the previous
> window, then enter to select it.

You can get this sort of behaviour using Fvwm2's Next and Prev commands.
Bind these to, say Alt+Tab (for the windows users out there).

Key Tab A M Prev Focus

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