Re: FVWM: Compiling FVWM on DEC Unix (OSF1) V3.2C X11/xpm.h missing help

From: Emilio Lopes <>
Date: Wed, 5 Jun 96 10:48 EST

>>>>> "TAW" == "Todd A Wood" <> wrote:

TAW> I surfed the net and came upon FVWM and it looks like it is worth
TAW> a try. The problem I had during compilation is the lack of
TAW> X11/xpm.h include file.

TAW> Has anyone else encountered the same problem and is there a work
TAW> around.

It's not a problem. You must have the XPM library if you want XPM

All that is (very well) explained in the README/INSTALL etc. It's good
practice, and also polite, to read the manuals (AT LEAST THE READMEs)
before putting something to a larger audience.

Kind regards, Emilio.

 Emilio C. Lopes <>
 FINPE, Instituto de Fisica      E-mail:
 Universidade de Sao Paulo       Phone : (+55 11) 818-6724 (Voice)
 Caixa Postal 66318                      (+55 11) 818-6715 (Fax)
 05389-970  Sao Paulo - SP
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