FVWM: Re:proctool & fvwm2.0.42 & BUG

From: bpm <bpm_at_terraweb.com>
Date: Tue, 4 Jun 1996 16:00:57 -0500

Michael Tiefenback writes:
 |X_GrabButton access violations are generally due to hot keys defined in
 |the .fvwmrc which conflict with those used by the process which failed to
 |run. You probably should disable each of your shift/alt mousebutton
 |options in fvwm in turn, and hunt down which of them is the conflicting
 |Michael Tiefenback

Thanks! That was it. The problem was:

# Button 3 in the window, with the Modifier-1 key (usually alt or diamond)
# gives Raise-Lower. Used to use control here, but that interferes with xterm
Mouse 3 W M RaiseLower

But I in trying to determine the problem, I think I have found a bug!

 I am using a DeskTopSize 2x1.
 Take a normal window (xterm 80x24) and place it about 5 or less
pixels from the left edge. Select the left edge of the window and try
to drag the left edge even further/closer to the desktop edge.
Release and whamo! The window is now 224x24 in size! Kind of cool.


Brian Millett                    
Technology Applications Inc.     "Heaven can not exist,
(314) 530-1981                          If the family is not eternal"
bpm_at_techapp.com                   F. Ballard Washburn
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Received on Tue Jun 04 1996 - 16:07:14 BST

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