Re: FVWM: Crash in Linux

From: Joe Moss <>
Date: Fri, 31 May 96 11:40:17 PDT

> The problem is that fvwm2 crashes when I switch to an another
> virtual console with ctrl+alt+Fn (Fn is any F-key). This seems to
> happen at random times, but very often. To produce it I just
> do something in X and switch from and back until it happens.
> It always happens when I switch from X to text, never the opposite.
> Here is the output:
> Fatal server error:
> Caught signal 11. Server aborting

A segmentation violation in the server.

> X connection to :0.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown).
> X connection to :0.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown).
> X connection to :0.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown).
> X connection to :0.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown).
> X connection to :0.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown).
> xterm: fatal IO error 2 (Broken pipe) or KillClient on X server ":0.0"
> xinit: connection to X server lost.
> This never happens with fvwm 1.2. I am currently using Linux 1.99.8, but
> I had the same problem with 1.2.13.
> In case it is a bug in the server, here is the version info:
> XFree86 Version 3.1.2 / X Window System
> (protocol Version 11, revision 0, vendor release 6000)
> It is the SVGA server.
> I run it with a Cirrus Logic 5434 card with 2 Mb RAM in 16bpp.
> I didn't find any notice of such bug in the XFree86 FAQ.

I would suggest you first try version 3.1.2E and see if the problem
can be duplicated.

If the problem still occurs, with 3.1.2E, you should try adding
"NoTrapSignals" to the ServerFlags section of your XF86Config file
and then get a backtrace from the core. Note that doing this is likely
to leave your video console in an unusable state when the segv occurs.
Just press CTRL-ALT-DELETE to reboot and then examine the core file.

As this is not an Fvwm problem, further discussion should be moved
somewhere more appropriate, such as comp.os.linux.x (and you should
send a copy of the backtrace to

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