Re: FVWM: desktop wishes

From: Kai Grossjohann <>
Date: Wed, 29 May 1996 21:04:28 +0200

>>>>> On Wed, 29 May 1996 16:56:30 +0200, Kay Winkler
>>>>> <> said:

  Kay> [...] Though i'm missing the one feature to dynamicaly add
  Kay> desks to my running session. [...]

Fvwm supports 2^15 (or 2^16?) desks out of the box. Should be enough
for most purposes. Only problem is that you might not see them all in
the pager. But me thinks you could use FvwmTalk to run a new
FvwmPager with one more desk enabled than the current one.

Indeed! I just invoked FvwmTalk, I hit some keys, and lo! it popped
up, the all-new, all-beautiful HUMONGOUS pager:

Here's what I entered:

    Module FvwmPager 0 11

This generates 12 desks.

I'm sure someone could create an FvwmForm application where you enter
the number of desks you want and the right command is run...


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