Re: FVWM: XV and FvwmBackground

From: kendrick vargas <>
Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 10:09:48 -0400 (EDT)

On Mon, 27 May 1996, Jamie wrote:

> I currently use xv to occaisionally put a certain .gif or .jpg as a
> background in my xwindows. Unfortunately, when I do this, the moment I
> cange desktops, FvwmBackground covers it, and the only way I see to get
> it back is restart xv. I know in a previous fvwm2 configuration, which I
> have since accidentally deleted, this did not happen... What causes it
> and how can I fix it?

Why don't you try not specifying FvwmBackGround in your .fvwm2rc ... In
ctwm, I used to have the same problem, and the way I fixed it was to take
the default background color off... sorry if this sounds stupid (just
haven't contrib'd to the list and am trying desperately)...

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