FVWM: new to fvwm, have questions about Next/Prev and app placement

From: James W. Barbour <barbour_at_firebird.fsl.noaa.gov>
Date: Sun, 26 May 1996 17:14:39 GMT


I'm trying to switch from ctwm to fvwm. I've got fvwm 2.0.42 running on
my Solaris 2.5 box, but have a few questions...

1) Is there a way to direct applications to different pages of the
    current desktop? i.e. Everytime I start up frame, it should go on
    the bottom left page of the current desktop.

2) Is there a way to direct a certain instance of an application to a
    given page. i.e. xterm -xrm '*Page: 2,2'. I realize I could do
    this via a menu, or a keystroke, but I'm looking for a way to do this
    from the application command line.

3) Is there a way to "cycle through" a set of desktops. I've currently
    got a "next_desk" function that does "Desk 1", and a prev_desk which does
    a "Desk -1". However, I'd like to have some logic that says
    "if CurrentDesk = 9, go to desktop 0.", and
    "if CurrentDesk = 0, go to desktop 9."
    Is this possible?

3) Is there a way to have Next and Prev wrap, rather then stopping at
    the ends of the list?

Thanks for any help.

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