Re: FVWM: Keyboard accelerators in menus

From: Andrew Veliath <>
Date: Sat, 25 May 1996 02:55:25 -0400

    Dan> Yes. An ampersand in the menu item name indicates the hot
    Dan> letter:

    Dan> AddToMenu Window-Ops "--Window Operations--" Title +
    Dan> "&Destroy" Destroy + "D&elete" Delete

Speaking of menu text, I was dying to know how to right justify
partial text in menus (e.g. for things like Alt-Q) for a long time.
When finally I dug a bit a few days ago I found that you have to
insert an actual tab character in the text. Coolness :) !

Is this documented (other than source code :) or did I overlook it?
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Received on Sat May 25 1996 - 02:36:20 BST

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