FVWM: resize

From: Todd Fries <todd_at_miango.com>
Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 05:21:56 -0500 (CDT)

I was using a friend's desktop with olvwm the other day,
and I noticed it did a cool idea with the resize code.

When you double click the title bar, it maximizes to full
height. I can do the same with fvwm. You can then resize
it from there to another size. I can also do this with
fvwm. However, with olvwm, at this point you can double
click the title bar and go back to the 1st shape/size/position.
I can't with fvwm.

Todd Fries .. todd_at_miango.com .. todd_at_emcee.com .. tfries_at_umr.edu
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Received on Fri May 24 1996 - 06:21:06 BST

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