Re: FVWM: fvwm 2.0.42 and HP-UX 9.01

From: Erik Rissanen <>
Date: Fri, 17 May 1996 11:02:20 +0200 (MET DST)

> I recently compiled fvwm-2.0.42 on an HP735 with HP-UX 9.01 and gcc-2.7.2.
> Everything compiles OK. When I start up fvwm I get something like the
> following
> [ERROR] Can't load module /usr/local/lib/fvwm2 PixmapsPath
> [ERROR] Can't load module /usr/local/lib/fvwm2 IconPath
> This is what's in my .fvwm2rc:
> ModulePath /usr/local/lib/fvwm2/
> PixmapPath /usr/include/X11/pixmaps/
> IconPath /usr/include/X11/bitmaps/
> As a result of this no icons are loaded and no modules. Has anyone come
> across this before.

I just joined this list because I have the same problem on my Linux.

I tried to place a -DXPM in Fvwm.tmpl #define FvwmCompilerFlags.
It solved the problem, but the patch that should make you able
to put pixmaps in the window titlebars still didn't seem to work.

I have tried both with and without the titlebar patch, so I know that
the problem isn't caused by the patch.

Maybe I have missed something? I did as the INSTALL-file said, i.e.
I edited configure.h and Fvwm.tmpl before I distributed the Makefiles
and compiled with make and make install.

I have Linux 1.2.13, gcc 2.7.0 and I am using the SVGA-server.
(fvwm 2.0.42.)

> Paul

I am sorry for my bad English (eller svenska).
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Received on Fri May 17 1996 - 04:02:31 BST

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