mfm & fvwm (WAS: Re: FVWM: fvwm)

From: Bryan W. Headley <>
Date: Thu, 16 May 1996 21:47:24 -0500 (CDT)

> But I think what might be better is to give MFM it's own toolbar (like
> GoodStuff/FvwmButtons), which could perhaps be torn off (or made a
> separate program entirely), and add code to MFM to allow it to be
> compiled as an fvwm module.

That's been done (known as the "devices" window in mfm), but it's currently
not detachable. The way it works is, you drop something on one of the targets,
and a script of your own devising is run. So, a "device" like the printer can
in fact run lpr %s, etc., or a "device" called WordPerfect can invoke itself
with dropped file as the document (no special ability of WP required)

I'd hate to be forced to a separate toolbar, only from the standpoint
that you have Button/GoodStuff icons, and the mfm icons competing for space.
If they were swallowed, then there's the possibility that the drag-n-drop
icons would be shrunk too small to be usable. And besides, you'd still
potentially have two icons for the same app, which is a royal pain.

What we got now are icon buttons which are sensitive to depressing, and
evoke the action specified in the Buttons/GoodStuff region of the .fvwm2rc
file. What I am seeing is extending that, so we have a depress action specified,
and a file-drop action.

At that point, there's the issue of not wanting to support one drag-n-drop
protocol over another. I've not done of survey of the others that are out
there, but certainly I can look at what it would take to grab Andrew's
drag-n-drop library, make it into a fvwm module (so you provide everyone
equal opportunity for support), and go from there. The question is,
(since I'm a user of 1.2.4r and not very familiar with 2.x yet), I know
the window manager can talk to modules; are modules allowed to talk to
other modules? Especially, can their advising the other module of something
be considered an "event"?

And if they are, would you folks like to have more than one action type
associated with the FvwmButtons module?

> Bryan, check your file ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ or tell your
> provider that they may be munging the mail addresses...
Thanks. I think I got that one licked.

> I know several people on the mailing list have compiled under HPUX.
Yeah, and we got 1.2.4r running happily, too. I just never saw such wholesale
disregard of things in the system header files. I HAVE to figure out how
our imake configuration files did that... :-(

> As I said, I actually don't see where it buys a lot, since not many
> programs would recognize the drag and drop protocol themselves. That
> would be the real win (for those that like and use drag&drop). But
> until one becomes a real standard...

Actually, Andrew's was published a while ago in the X Resource, so if
nothing else, there might be some folks out there working from his paper.

As with everything else, standards are meant to be ignored until something
"killer" arrives, who may not even feature that standard prominently, but
still compel folks to go that route. OLE is a classic of that paradign :-)

Bryan W. Headley                       Home:
211 East Pineview Drive                Office:
Round Lake Park, IL 60073, USA	       Voice:   847-740-1446
                     "Better Living Thru Panic"
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