Re: FVWM: Window Applications Don't have PATH !

From: Mark Boyns <>
Date: 12 May 1996 08:49:23 -0700

Aharon Schkolnik <> writes:

> All the applications running unfer fvwm are missing parts of
> my PATH. This causes many things not to work !

This might explain problems I've been having with Netscape 3. For
some reason Netscape 3 can't invoke any programs -- including lpr. I
figured this was a bug in Netscape, not fvwm.

X11R6.1, Solaris 2.5, and fvwm 2.0.42.

Mark Boyns <> <URL:>
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Received on Sun May 12 1996 - 10:49:53 BST

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