FVWM: TODO List comment

From: <Jonathan_Monahan_at_HP-Pinewood-om1.om.hp.com>
Date: Thu, 2 May 96 14:14:10 +0100

Hi all,
    I was just scanning through the TODO list on the Homepage when I
noticed the following line:
    - Find out why closing windows fills the area w/ the border color

I must say I haven't got a huge knowledge of how window managers work,
but I could guess that because the frame is a parent of the client
window, then when the client window is destroyed it effectively causes
an Expose of the middle area of the Frame window. Of course, the X
server knows what background colour the window should be so it paints
that in automatically, and then I expect it sends FVWM an Expose event
to see if FVWM wants to draw anything in the middle area of the Frame
window. Hence, even if FVWM ignores the Expose event (which it probably
does), the center area of the Frame window will still be redrawn by
the X server first.

I guess the only way to stop this is to trap the fact that the client
window is going to be destroyed or hidden and then apply the same
function to the Frame first and then the client window.

    Just a thought...

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