FVWM: Resize grow

From: Elliot Sowadsky <elliot_at_c-cube.com>
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 12:34:03 -0800 (PST)

Solaris 5.5.1

I kludged together a (nonmaximized) Resize grow...

AddToFunc "Max2Size"
+ "I" Maximize
+ "I" ResizeMove $0p $1p $2p $3p
+ "I" Resize br w-10p w-27p # correction

AddToFunc "Fit_Y"
+ "I" Resize keep 1p # start from smallest size
+ "I" Maximize 0 grow
+ "I" Max2Size $[w.width] $[w.height] $[w.x] $[w.y]

Is there a less kludgy way?
Why is the final size too big that i need to make a correction?
Can i combine the Resize correction into the ResizeMove?
ResizeMove $0p $1p-27p $2p $3p doesnt work.

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Received on Thu Nov 16 2000 - 14:37:10 GMT

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