FVWM: FvwmButton enhancement request

From: David Peart <dpeart_at_ichips.intel.com>
Date: Wed, 1 May 1996 14:50:25 -0700

Would it be feasible to have an "invisible" button style that could be
used to place a button "over" a swallowed app allowing you to map
mouse button actions to the swallowed app? This way you could swallow
xload and upon mouse 1 click start a xterm with top running in it.
This is the pretty much the only feature that I like in HP View :)
and would like to see it in fvwm.

I know this functionality is available in tkgoodstuff, but I would
prefer just using FvwmButtons.

any comments?

sincerely happy fvwm user :)

David L. Peart
(503) 264-2498

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Received on Wed May 01 1996 - 16:47:45 BST

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