FVWM: Silent fail!

From: David Kennedy <D.Kennedy_at_Queens-Belfast.AC.UK>
Date: Wed, 1 May 1996 12:31:43 +0100

Hi, after a little debacle getting FVWM compiled I sat down
to enjoy using it again...only to log in and have the
computer log me out. I presume FVWM is crashing out straight
away...check my errors file:

ld.so.1: /home7/dcjk/bin/fvwm: fatal: libXpm.so.4.8: can't open file: errno=2

Aha! I recently (since last time I used Fvwm) got new Xpm libraries.

So, this is Fvwm 2.0.42, on Solaris 2.5 - how do I go about fixing this
problem...indeed, in plain speak, what *is* the problem?

Other programs like the Xpm libs fine, I'm not sure where the error lies.

(Usually recompiling Fvwm is trivial!)
David Kennedy, Dept. of Pure & Applied Physics, Queen's University of Belfast
Email: D.Kennedy_at_Queens-Belfast.ac.uk | URL: http://star.pst.qub.ac.uk/~dcjk/
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Received on Wed May 01 1996 - 06:27:44 BST

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