Re: FVWM: Next, Prev, Circulate

From: Dan Niles <>
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 1996 11:37:50 -0500

grossjoh wrote:


> Dan> Also, the order of cycling changes when you use the mouse to
> Dan> give a window focus. I personally would prefer the order to
> Dan> remain constant and predictable.
> Well, the fact that Next and Prev behave the way they do was one of
> the two reasons for me to choose this window manager! Therefore,
> Chuck will lose a happy user if he changes the fact that Next and Prev
> dynamically reorder the window list based on which windows have
> received focus recently.
> I use the Prev command a lot to go the window I was using before. In
> order not to put off Chuck I won't mention that Microsloth Windows
> behaves the same way with Alt-TAB and Alt-Shift-TAB ;-}

You have a good point. Perhaps an option to allow fixed ordering. Barring
such an option, I would say that the current method is best. Provided that
the cycling goes around the top (or bottom) instead of dead-ending.
Microsloth (shudder) also goes around the end.

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