FVWM: Can't place icons correctly (contd.)

From: Amir J. Katz <amir_at_ddddf.com>
Date: Thu Apr 25 03:30:22 1996

I've complained earlier that I can't make fvwm 2 place the icons in
the bottom left corener of my screen. To add insult to injury, after
I manullay moved the icons to where I want them, restarting fvwm
causes them to revert to the top-left corner of the screen, all of
them on the same spot.
Help !!!! (:-)

/* Amir J. Katz E-mail: amir_at_ddddf.com WWW: http://www.ddddf.com */
/* New Dimension Software, LTD., Tel-Aviv, Israel */
/* .. I busted a mirror and got seven years bad luck, but ..*/
/* .. my lawyer thinks he can get me five. (Steven Wright) ..*/
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Received on Thu Apr 25 1996 - 03:30:22 BST

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