Re: FVWM: Bug or Feature?

From: David Peart <>
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 1996 08:19:58 -0700

This works great now!


David L. Peart
(503) 264-2498

I WORK for Intel, I don't SPEAK for Intel.

>>>>> "Henrique" == Henrique Martins <> writes:

    David> I noticed that when I resize a windows frame and bump into
    David> the virtual desktop edge the frame is resized to fit across
    David> the entire virtual desktop.

    Chuck> Yikes! I was able to reproduce this pretty easily. I'll
    Chuck> look into it for the next release...

    Henrique> Mea culpa! I sent Chuck a patch to fix some other wrap
    Henrique> around problem in virtual.c, and when looking at the
    Henrique> code thought I could simplify another section. I did
    Henrique> warn Chuck that my simplification was probably
    Henrique> overlooking something, more or less in these terms:
    Henrique> ... removal of those checks may have side effects that I
    Henrique> can't seem to catch. ...

    Henrique> and that seems to be the case :-(

    Henrique> The patch below restores the 2.0.41 code, and should
    Henrique> fix the problem David bumped into. It should apply
    Henrique> (although I haven't tried) to either the 2.0.42
    Henrique> distribution or the distribution+my_mega_patch.

    Henrique> -- Henrique (

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