Re: FVWM: fvwm 2.0.42 problem with Netscape/Java

From: Charles Hines <>
Date: Tue, 23 Apr 1996 10:47:13 -0400

>>>>> "RHS" == RHS Linux User <> writes:

>>>>> "Martin" == Martin Cartwright <M.Cartwright_at_Queens-Belfast.AC.UK> writes:
Martin> I've had problems with Netscape/Java pages completely
Martin> crashing my Xterminal (the whole ***PANIC*** fatal error
Martin> scenario :-) ). I was under the impression this was just
Martin> an Xterminal problem but it has only happened under FVWM
Martin> (2.0.39 at the moment). Mind you when I wasn't using FVWM,

RHS> I've had problems with Netscape 2.x crashing my X server, Linux 1.2.13
RHS> with fvwm 2.039 on XFree86 3.1.1 (P9000 accelerated server). No Java
RHS> needed.

This happens under AIX on PowerPC machines pretty often too. Netscape
can bring down the Xserver, although I don't know why. It seems to
happen more often w/ fvwm (but has happened under mwm as well, I
believe), but I think that's because the Netscape window gets mapped
and unmapped more often due to switching pages and desktops. My
officemate sees this problem a lot. He thinks it's something with the


Charles K. Hines <>
IBM Logic Synthesis developer [BooleDozer (TM)]
Martial Arts Instructor [Modern Arnis, Presas Style Filipino Martial Arts]

IBM Internal email: "Go back to sleep, Chuck. You're, just havin' a nightmare--of course,
  HINESC at FISHKILL, HINESC at FSHVMFK1 we are still in Hell." Gary Larson
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