FVWM: Re: [fvwm-2.0.42] FvwmButtons and swallowed apps / styles

From: Dave Goldberg <dsg_at_linus.mitre.org>
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 1996 16:58:43 -0400

For what it's worth, I also run xbuffy swallowed in the buttons, have
Style "*" DecorateTransients set, run with Henrique's patch (and some
others), but do not see the problem behavior. My xbuffy popups still
come up undecorated, as they should. The relevant lines (AFAICT) from

Style "XBuffy" NoHandles, NoTitle
Style "XBuffy" Sticky, StickyIcon # leftover from before I started
                                  # using FvwmButtons
Style "XBuffy" CirculateSkip

*FvwmButtons(26x1, Frame 0, Padding 0 0, Container(Frame 1, Padding 0 0 Rows 1))
*FvwmButtons(Swallow(Kill) XBuffy "Exec xcmd xbuffy")

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Received on Mon Apr 22 1996 - 15:56:07 BST

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