FVWM: FVWM icon placement

From: <bard.saadatnejad_at_astro.uio.no>
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 1996 14:06:34 +0200

Does anybody know if it is possible to specify the placement of icons
in the root window? The default seems to be in the vacinity of the top
right hand corner of the window being iconified. This can be very
irksome since the top right hand corner of most windows end up under
some other window! I know that IconBox can be used but then I loose
all the fancy SHAPEd icons which come with the distribution. Besides,
I don't want an extra window just to keep track of my icons.

Any suggestions anyone?

Cheerio just now,

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Received on Mon Apr 22 1996 - 07:04:24 BST

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